Newtown. New Hope.

Ten thousand people packed a Bridgeport arena Tuesday night for an evening of hope and healing. At least 1.3 million others watched online from as far away as Thailand. People in 100 countries, on six continents were represented.

Generous donors underwrote the event. Production, stage, and sound crew volunteered their time and donated their services. Artists and speakers interrupted busy schedules, covered their own expenses and prayerfully prepared songs and messages. Local volunteers took time away from work and school to drive shuttles and serve guests. Nearby Christian Heritage School brought a bus of fourth and fifth graders to sing.

No one sold product. No one pushed an agenda. No politics. No finger pointing. Just prayers, worship, and hope.  Four hours of it. On a weekday. A school night. (Though, I just learned, a snowstorm closed local schools Wednesday. Smile.)  Four hours! No intermission. No complaints. No mass exit. Many of the attendees stood the entire time. Of course, we are not surprised. These hearty folks of Connecticut are famous for standing strong. They will do so again. They are resolved to overcome evil with good.

Let’s not forget them. Offer prayers, give support.  What happened in Newtown last month is atrocious. Yet, what happened on January 15 is astounding. These people are looking to God for strength. And they are finding it.

Max Lucado
© 2013 Max Lucado
