The ultimate disaster is carrying your sins to your casket.  Christ responds to universal sin with a universal sacrifice, taking on the sins of the entire world.  But God’s salvation song has two verses.  One, He took your place on the cross, which is the first stanza:  God’s work for you.  But he also takes his place in your heart, which is the second stanza:  God’s work in you.

Paul explains, “It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me” (Galatians 2:20).  This has powerful implications.  Sin may touch you, but it cannot claim you.  It cannot condemn you.  Trust this truth.  Take frequent, refreshing drinks from his well of grace.  Your heart is his home, and he is your master. Live with a smile, a skip, and a sparkle in your eye…because of Jesus Christ.

Read more Come Thirsty