They sat on opposite sides of the room, a man and a woman, bidding on an adorable puppy at a school auction. Others dropped off, but not this duo. Back and forth until they’d one-upped the bid to several thousand dollars. This was like the Wimbledon finals, and neither player was backing off the net! Finally the fellow gave in and didn’t return the bid. Going once, going twice, going three times. Sold!  You know what she did? Amidst the applause, she walked across the room and presented the puppy to the competition.

Suppose you did that to the competition. With your enemy. Suppose you surprised them with kindness? Not easy? No, it’s not. But mercy is the deepest gesture of kindness. Paul equates the two in Ephesians 4:32, “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.”

From Lucado Inspirational Reader