It seems most people think death is to be avoided or postponed and ignored.  But God promises that death will be swallowed up in victory! (1 Corinthians15:54). Jesus rose from the dead, not just to show us his power, but also to lead us through the valley of death.

Recently I discovered it’s possible to record a message for my tombstone.  And if I do, this may be what you’ll hear:

Thanks for coming by.  Sorry you missed me, but I’m not here.  I’m home.  Finally home!  At some point my King will call, and this grave will be shown for the temporary tomb it is.  You might want to step to the side in case that happens while you are here.  Hope you’ve made plans for your own departure.  All the best, Max. 

Yeah, I know it needs some work!  But while the wording might change, the promise never will.  “Death has been swallowed up in victory!”

Read more Unshakable Hope