We cherish pardon, don’t we? I know it well. I know the highway patrolman who oversees it! And now he  knows me. He looked at my driver’s license.

“Hmm… aren’t you a minister here in San Antonio?” he asked.
“Yes sir,” I replied.
“On your way to a funeral?” he inquired.
“No,” I said.
The conversation continued: “An emergency?”
“You were going awfully fast.” “I know.”
He offered, “Tell you what I’m going to do. I’m going to give you a second chance.”
I sighed. “Thank you,” I said, “and thanks for giving me a sermon illustration on pardon!”

God has posted his traffic signs everywhere we look. In the Universe, in Scripture, even within our own hearts. Yet we persist in disregarding his directions. But God does not give us what we deserve. He has drenched his world in grace. God offers second chances to everyone who asks. And that includes you!

From God is With You Every Day