Words of Hope and Help

Deposit of Power

This may be the best-kept secret in Christendom. Conversion is more than a…
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Key to Spiritual Growth

The key to spiritual growth isn’t increased church attendance or involvement…
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You Have a Choice

Storms are coming your way. Winds will howl and you will have a choice. Will…
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Scripture Memory – Week 1

Welcome to the first week of a special Glory Days Scripture Memory Challenge. In…
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An Invitation

In Joshua Chapter 1 God said, “This book of the law shall not depart from your…
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Conversion Means New Creation

Many Christians view their conversion something like a car wash. You go in a…
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Promised-Land Property

Most babies cry, “Mama!” I cried, “Mustang!” I had asked my dad for a…
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Certain Victory

“It’s time to declare war on the pestilence that goes by the name, I can’…
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Your Promised-Land Life

Think about the Christian you want to be. What qualities do you want to have?…
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