Words of Hope and Help

Pecking Orders

Pecking orders are a part of life. Ranking systems can clarify our roles. The…
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The Work is His

Paul said in 1 Corinthians 13:4, “Love does not envy!” A number of years…
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The Real Deal

Susie’s most treasured possession was a string of fake pearls given to her by…
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Don’t Be Jealous

Suppose you spotted a flame in your house. How would you react? Would you…
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God’s Patience

How infiltrated are you with God’s patience? You’ve heard about it. Read…
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Loving Like God Loves

Need more patience? Is generosity an elusive virtue? Having trouble putting up…
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Receive First, Love Second

If you’ve never received love—how can you love others? In other words, we…
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Next Door Savior

In the aftermath of 9/11, a group of religious leaders was invited to come to…
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In Our Place

Suppose you were to stand on a stage while a film of every secret and selfish…
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