Remarkable - August 29, 2017

I’m thinking about God’s blessings. Every day I have the honor of sitting down with a book that contains the words of the One who created me. Every day I have the opportunity to let Him give me a thought or two on how to live. If I don’t do what He says, He doesn’t burn the book or cancel my subscription. If I don’t understand what He says, He doesn’t call me a dummy, He explains what I don’t understand.

As I think about my three daughters, about the wife I have and that I get to be with her for a lifetime, I shake my head and thank the God of grace. And I think–Remarkable!  I’m learning that if I open my eyes and observe, there are many reasons to look at the source of it all, and just say thanks!

Read more In the Eye of the Storm
In the Eye of the Storm