It was hard to forget the muddy water.
There is much about the trip to Ethiopia that I cannot remember. But I still remember the muddy water. Even five years later. I still recall the sight of the little boy filling the water pot with dirty, brown, muddy water.
His daily chores included a long walk through a dry valley on dusty trail that led him to a pool of dirty water. Donkeys drank there. Monkeys played there. And the boy got his family’s water there.
He had no other choice. He had no other source.
He was seven, maybe eight years of age. Dark skin and bright eyes. He had all the marks of a happy kid. I remember thinking: “The little guy deserves some clean water.”
Now, he has it. Thanks to gracious folks like you, thirty thousand people in the Oromia region of Ethiopia are about to have their worlds changed for the better. Last November, I came to you with a request. Would you help me raise a million dollars so that 20,000 people can have access to clean water? Boy, did you ever respond. Our goal of $1,000,000 was exceeded by 50%! We ended up with $1,556,331.93!
That’s 31,126 people who will receive clean water!
Thirty thousand! Imagine a baseball stadium full of happy Ethiopians. Now, imagine them shouting out a heartfelt “thank you!” On their behalf, may I say to you, “Way to go!”
Now World Vision will oversee the construction of 75 water wells. I can’t think of anyone better qualified to do this than the wonderful people of World Vision. They are currently reaching one new person every 30 seconds with clean water. This is the type of scale needed to solve the global water crisis. They provide water that lasts. The community engagement model of World Vision results in communities taking ownership so that water continues to flow. World Vision was recognized by the Hilton Foundation as a leader in creating long lasting water wells.
Clean water means everything. Clean water greatly reduces the odds of sickness and malnutrition. Easy access to a water source will free family members (primarily women) from the long, painstaking task of filling water pots. A strong water source can even irrigate an entire valley.
Clean water changes lives. And you just changed 30,000 of them! Thank you!!! Or, as they say in Ethiopia: “Amah-Sigah-Nalu.”
Max Lucado
© February 2015