A Flame of Fire - February 13, 2017

I once knew an extremely courageous lady. For one thing, she was waging an uphill battle against alcoholism. For another, she was doing all she could to restore her relationship with God. She chose a small church to attend, where she knew many members. One Sunday, as she walked toward the front door, she overheard two ladies talking. “How long is that alcoholic going to hang around here?” She turned and went back to the car. She never entered another church building until she died. Those ladies meant no harm, yet seemingly painless gossip did irreparable damage.

These ideas will help us control our tongue.

  • Never say anything about someone that you wouldn’t say to their face.
  • Refuse to listen to someone else’s gossip.
  • Initiate positive statements about people whom you’re discussing.
  • Remember, “the tongue. . .is a fire!” (James 3:6)

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