
Purchased With a High Price

The Christmas tree hunt is on! The preferences are different, but the desire is…
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A Remarkable Gift

A remarkable gift can arrive in an unremarkable package! One did in Bethlehem…
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Christmas is a season of interruptions. Some we enjoy. Some we don’t! You may…
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You Need a Savior

If we could save ourselves—why would we need a Savior? Jesus didn’t enter…
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Christ is in You

Jesus not only did a work for us; he does a work in us! Colossians 1:27 tells…
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A People to Populate Heaven

God has high plans for you and me.  He is recruiting for himself a people who…
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When December is Difficult

Do any of these words describe you? Hurried. Scattered. Stuffed. Forgetful. Busy…
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The Heart of the Human Problem

The sinful nature is the stubborn, self-centered attitude that says, “My way…
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Look Into God’s Face

Would you like to see God? Take a look at Jesus! Hebrews 1:3 says, “Jesus…
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