
25 Questions for Mary

A teacher friend of mine asked her students to make a list of questions they…
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God Became Flesh

If you want to see people on the edge of insanity, just watch the way families…
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No Day Accidental or Incidental

No day is accidental or incidental. No acts are random or wasted. Look at Jesus…
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God With Us

In Matthew 1:23, God called himself, “Immanuel”—which means, God with us…
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Christmas is About Jesus

My dad, a man of few words, told my brother and me, “Boys, Christmas is about…
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Do We Really Need Christmas This Year?

Whew, what a year! We couldn’t wait to get past the election and all of its…
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Modern-Day Christmas Story

You have bills to pay, beds to make, and grass to cut. Your face won’t grace…
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I chalk it up to an interruption. God tapped humanity on the shoulder, and…
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As Christmas draws near, it often seems the world is anything but peaceful.…
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