What a moment of miracles the rapture will be! All prayers for healing will be answered. Jesus said, “Whatever you ask of me, I will do for you” (John 16:23-24, paraphrased). This is no over-promise. It’s only a matter of time.
This calling forth includes all God’s children who were conceived yet never took a breath outside the womb. Miscarriages and abortions took many. Christ will lay claim to them all, and they will live in glorified bodies.
This raptured population includes children who never reached the age of accountability. They lacked the maturity to decide for or against Christ. They are safe in his care. So are people who lacked the mental capacity to comprehend salvation.
This resurrection of the righteous will occur in a “twinkling of an eye” (1 Corinthians 15:52 NKJV). That is how long Jesus needs to collect his church.