Think about the Christian you want to be. What qualities do you want to have? More compassion? More conviction? More courage? What attitudes do you want to discontinue? Greed? Guilt? Endless negativity? You see, with God’s help you can. You can close the gap between the person you are and the person you want to be. Indeed, the person God made you to be. You can live “from glory to glory” (2 Corinthians 3:18).
To inherit your inheritance is God’s vision for your life. Imagine the thought: you as you were intended. It’s a life that is yours for the taking. Now, expect to be challenged. The enemy will not go down without a fight. But God’s promises outweigh personal problems. Victory becomes—dare we imagine—a way of life. Isn’t it time for you to change your mailing address from the wilderness to the Promised Land? Are you ready to march?