Opening Closed Doors - November 28, 2016

When God locks a door, it needs to be locked. When he stuck Paul and Silas in prison, God had a plan for the prison jailer. As Paul and Silas sang, God shook the prison, and “at once all the prison doors flew open, and everyone’s chains came loose” (Acts 16:26 NIV). When the jailer realized what had happened, he assumed all the prisoners had escaped and he drew his sword to take his life. When Paul told him otherwise, the jailer brought the two missionaries out and asked, “What must I do to be saved?” (v.30 NIV). Paul told him to believe. He did, and all his family were baptized.

The jailer washed their wounds, and Jesus washed his sins. God shut the door of the jail cell so that he could open the heart of a jailer. So might the closed door you are facing be God’s way of opening someone’s heart? It’s possible!

From God is With You Every Day