“The boat was now in the middle of the sea, tossed by the waves, for the wind was contrary” (Matthew 14:24).
Peter and his fellow storm riders knew they were in trouble. The boat lurched and lunged like a kite in a March wind. An apt description for the stormy seasons of life, right? But then the unspeakable happened. The disciples spotted someone coming on the water. They didn’t expect Jesus to come to them this way.
Neither did we. We never expected to see him in a divorce, death, lawsuit, or jail cell. We never expected to see him in a storm. But it is in storms that he does his finest work, for it is in storms he has our keenest attention. Jesus replies to their fear with an invitation worthy of inscription on every church cornerstone and archway. He said, “Courage! I am! Don’t be afraid” (Matthew 14:27).