If we are co-heirs with Christ, why do we struggle through life? Our inheritance is perfect peace, yet we feel like a perfect mess. God promises to meet every need, yet we still worry and fret. Why? Perhaps no one ever told us about what Paul describes in Ephesians 1:19– “the exceeding greatness of His (God’s) power toward us who believe.” No one told us the land is already conquered. The gift has been given. Will you trust it? Joshua 1:3 is the reminder, “I made this offer to the people of Moses’ day but they didn’t take it. They chose the wilderness.”
You are embedded with the presence of God. You can’t break the habit, but God can. You can’t control your temper, or sexual urges, but God can. You can say with confidence, “These days are Glory Days…God will get me through!”
From Glory Days