The mark of a disciple is his or her ability to hear the Master’s voice! The world rams at your door, but Jesus taps. Voices scream for your allegiance, but Jesus softly and tenderly requests it. Which voice do you hear? There is never a time during which Jesus is not speaking. Never. There is never a place in which Jesus is not present. Ever. There is never a time when He is not tapping gently on the doors of our hearts—waiting to be invited in.
Few hear His voice. Fewer still open the door. But never interpret our numbness as His absence. For amidst the fleeting promises of pleasure is the timeless promise of His presence. “Surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:20). There is no chorus so loud that the voice of God cannot be heard. . .if we will but listen!
Read more In the Eye of the Storm