The Bible says “vengeance is God’s; He will repay” (Romans 12:19). What a great reminder. Forgiveness doesn’t diminish justice, it just entrusts it to God. We tend to give too much or too little, but the God of justice has the precise prescription. God can discipline your abusive boss. He can soften your angry parent. He can bring your ex to his knees or her senses.
Forgiveness doesn’t diminish justice, it just entrusts it to God. Unlike us, God never gives up on a person. Never. Long after we’ve moved on, God is still there, probing the conscience, stirring conviction, always orchestrating redemption. Fix your enemies? That’s God’s job.
When it comes to forgiveness, all of us are beginners. No one owns a secret formula. Remember this: as long as you’re trying to forgive, you are forgiving. Just stay the course, and you’ll find a way to be strong even when you’ve been hurt. You’ll get through this.