
Your Problem is a Prayer-Sized Challenge

Praying specifically about a problem creates a lighter load.  Many of our…
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Pray Specific Prayers

A father was teaching his three-year-old daughter the Lord’s Prayer.  She…
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God Hears Your Prayers

God loves the sound of your voice—always!  God never places you on hold or…
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Start with Jesus

We can calmly take our concerns to God because he is as near as our next breath…
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As Near as Our Next Breath

God repeatedly pledges his presence to his people.  To Abram, God said, “Do…
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Let Your Gentleness Be Evident to All

How many disasters have been averted because one person refused to buckle under…
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It Is Well

Sometime ago I made a special visit to the American Colony Hotel in Jerusalem…
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God Is Not Finished

In the famous lace shops of Brussels, Belgium, certain rooms are dedicated to…
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A Lesson in Trust

In one of Henri Nouwen’s books, he tells about the lesson of trust he learned…
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