
Confession is a Radical Reliance Upon Grace

One day it dawned on me.  I had become the very thing I hate–  a…
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Grace Can Heal Hurts

If hurts were hairs—we’d all look like grizzlies!  So many hurts.  When…
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God’s Grace Comes After You

God’s grace!  It has a wildness about it.  A white-water, rip-tide, turn-…
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Behold the Redeemer From Heaven

For some, Jesus is the Rabbit’s Foot Redeemer—a good luck charm used to get…
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The Grace of Christ

Guilt sucks the life out of our souls. Grace restores it. No one had more…
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We Have a Choice

In so many areas of life we have no choice. “It’s not fair,” we say. But…
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Unending Intercession

Jesus is in the presence of God at this very moment sticking up for us (Romans 8…
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Grace Gives More

Grace goes beyond mercy. Mercy gave Ruth some food. Grace gave her a husband…
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Sin’s Reality

David dedicated a season of his life to making stupid, idiotic, godless…
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