
Rely on His Energy

Paul once asked the Galatian church a question.  “You began your life in…
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It’s Not Up to You

None of us pray as much as we should, but all of us pray more than we think,…
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Unity of the Spirit

Ephesians 4:3 says to “make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit…
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You May Need a Push

Ask a believer to answer the question, “Who is God the Father?” He has a…
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Keep the Power Supply Open

The Holy Spirit is not enthusiasm, compassion, or bravado. He might stimulate…
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Learning to Wait

Wait on the Spirit. If Peter and the apostles needed the help of the Spirit,…
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His Power Becomes Our Power

We look at other believers and ask, “Why is her life so fruitful and mine so…
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A Tiny Seed, A Tiny Deed

The Bible says, “Do not despise small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to…
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The Power of Love

May I meddle for a moment? What’s the one thing separating you from joy? How…
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