
Pride – The Poison Pill

King Nebuchadnezzar had no peers. He was the uncontested ruler of the world of…
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At the Right Moment

Satan tried to write his own story in which he was the hero and God was an…
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God’s Book is Enough

Where do you feel empty? Are you hungry for attention, craving success, longing…
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A Simple Exercise

Do a simple exercise with me. Measure your life against just these four…
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The Unspoken Source of Anxiety

My hangover was terrible, but I could survive that. The nausea was palpable, but…
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Long Lists and Stinky Trash

Life has a way of unloading its rubbish on us. Your boss expects too much. Your…
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The Cure for Selfishness

Forgive me for being the one to tell you—but you’re infected! You are a…
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In Our Place

Suppose you were to stand on a stage while a film of every secret and selfish…
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Christ–Our Substitute

The first man, Adam, was challenged to remain sinless in a sinless world. Christ…
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