
The Redemption of Mankind

“And bowing His head, Jesus gave up His spirit” (John 19:30). His head did…
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Paid in Full

“It is finished” Jesus declared as recorded in John 19:30. Tetelestai. Three…
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The Prescription for Justice

The Bible says “vengeance is God’s; He will repay” (Romans 12:19…
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Don’t Quit Too Soon

Our human tendency is to quit too soon.  To stop before we cross the finish…
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Behold the Redeemer From Heaven

For some, Jesus is the Rabbit’s Foot Redeemer—a good luck charm used to get…
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Big Things With Small Deeds

Do we need a reminder today of the largeness of Jesus’ story? Do terms like…
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The Master Builder

Several years ago the state was rebuilding an overpass near my house. Three…
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God Redeems for Good

Have you wept your final tear or received your last round of chemotherapy? Not…
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God Will Make Our Love Enough

Leslie Leyland Fields is a wonderful study in irony. A New Englander living in…
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